Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Start

Ephesians 3:17-20 has been my life passage for the last few years. It talks about being “rooted and grounded in love” and knowing the love of Christ, which surpasses all knowledge. This picture of love is so beautiful, so vast, and so wildly unknown. But I think that I will learn so much more about this type of love during this next year. It’s what I think I will need to truly help these girls.

I met them for the first time briefly yesterday and then spent more time with them today, and I already feel so strongly for them. I want so badly for them to grow, to overcome their struggles, and to discover wisdom and truth. The small victories today were so joyful, and their areas of pain or refusal definitely stung. The girls already have my heart.

I had orientation this morning, which consisted of paperwork and introductions to the program. I was then able to sit in on the weekly casing at my house, in which the residential staff meets with the caseworkers and addiction counselors to discuss each girl’s progress or hindrance. If any of the girls have petitioned to move up a phase in the program, that is also discussed and voted on, along with any overall issues. It was extremely interesting to sit in on, and I think I’m going to really look forward to that every week. We then had a house meeting with the girls, got dinner, and then just got to spend some time together. I got some basic training from the house supervisor, and this next week I will be shadowing the assistant supervisor.

I’m so looking forward to this time of learning. I already feel like I’m on information overload, and although I think this feeling will continue for months and months, I’m excited that I’ll be working a job in which I’ll always be learning more. There are just so many small things to take into consideration in this setting. For instance, the girls cannot handle any chemicals, including cleaners like windex. When their chores require cleaning surfaces, one of the staff members has to squirt and hold the container at all times. The girls cannot keep items like razors or scissors with them, so they have to check those items out from us. Every action of theirs can earn them positive or negative points, which affect their ability to move up a phase. There is a lot of protocol that I have to learn all about.

Although I did get opportunities to talk with the clients today, a lot of my day was spent watching the staff interact with them. I feel so blessed that I’m going to get to know these girls and spend day after day with them, supporting them and encouraging them to grow. I look forward to sharing in those small (and large) victories and also trying to ease their pain and refusals. I know that some days will be rough. But despite where any of these girls are coming from, it’s so clear to me that they have so much love to offer.

Goal for the Year: To find selfless, boundless love within myself and through my Savior and pour it on thick.


  1. I'm so glad you'll be blogging about this! Looking forward to seeing how God uses you in these girls' lives during this time!

  2. "Goal for the Year: To find selfless, boundless love within myself and through my Savior and pour it on thick."

    This is my favorite. I'm going to steal it.
